Discover Korbel Brut Rose 750ml:
Korbel Brut Rose is a sparkling wine that is sure to please. This light and refreshing sparkling wine is made from a blend of Pinot Noir and Chardonnay grapes. The result is a light pink hue and a crisp, dry finish. On the nose, you’ll find aromas of fresh strawberries and raspberries, with a hint of citrus. On the palate, you’ll find flavors of ripe red berries, with a hint of sweetness and a crisp, dry finish. This sparkling wine is perfect for any occasion, from a romantic dinner to a casual gathering. Enjoy a glass of Korbel Brut Rose and let the bubbles take you away.
Producer Notes: Korbel Champagne Cellars
Korbel Champagne Cellars is a renowned drinks producer that is based in Guerneville, California, USA. The company was founded in 1882 by the Korbel brothers, who were immigrants from Bohemia. They started by producing still wines, but later shifted their focus to sparkling wines, which became their signature product.
Korbel Champagne Cellars is known for its high-quality sparkling wines, which are made using the traditional method of champagne production. The company uses only the finest grapes from the Russian River Valley and other premium vineyards in California. The grapes are handpicked and carefully selected to ensure that only the best ones are used in the wine-making process.
Korbel Champagne Cellars produces a wide range of sparkling wines, including Brut, Extra Dry, Sec, and Demi-Sec. Each of these wines has a unique flavor profile and is suitable for different occasions. For example, Brut is a dry wine that is perfect for toasting, while Demi-Sec is a sweeter wine that is ideal for dessert.
Apart from sparkling wines, Korbel Champagne Cellars also produces other drinks that are famous. These include brandy, which is made using the same traditional methods as their sparkling wines. The brandy is aged in oak barrels for several years, which gives it a rich and complex flavor.
Korbel Champagne Cellars also produces a range of still wines, including Chardonnay, Pinot Noir, and Cabernet Sauvignon. These wines are made using grapes from the same premium vineyards as their sparkling wines and are known for their exceptional quality.
In conclusion, Korbel Champagne Cellars is a world-renowned drinks producer that is known for its high-quality sparkling wines, brandy, and still wines. The company has a rich history and uses only the finest grapes to produce its products. Whether you are looking for a dry or sweet wine, Korbel Champagne Cellars has something for everyone.
iCreepersGoBoom Verified Buyer
It’s decent. We ordered delivery and it came the next morning which was fast cause we are out of the city.