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Best Wines from Australia

Best Wines From Australia

Australian wine is often considered in terms of its most well-known variety: large, fruit-forward reds that go well with any kind of grilled meat. The variety of wines produced in the Land Down Under, however, is far wider and more diverse than it is sometimes given credit for since it is a whole continent. Let’s look at it.

The variety of grapes grown in Australia is comparable to that of any other significant wine-producing nation, ranging from Chardonnay and Merlot to Cabernet Sauvignon and Riesling, and practically everything in between. The nation’s current calling card is Shiraz. However, there are other outstanding grapes as well, including Grenache, particularly in McLaren Vale, Riesling in the Clare and Eden Valleys, and Cabernet and Chardonnay in Margaret River.

Many Australians like to drink wines from the regions in which they are produced, whether those regions be the Barossa Valley, Clare Valley, McLaren Vale, Margaret River, or elsewhere. Overall, McLaren Vale wines are in second place to Barossa wines in terms of popularity. Both Australian red wine and Australian white wine are very well-liked and well-known outside of the Land Down Under. And since Australian wine is created in so many various ways and by so many distinct Australian wine companies, there is always something to suit wine enthusiasts’ moods. The most well-known Shiraz in the world is probably Australian, both because it’s simple to locate a great bottle without having to pay a lot of money and because the Shiraz from that country is so distinctively decadent—ripe, generous, fruit-forward, and rich. Australian Riesling, Australian Sauvignon Blanc, and Australian Chardonnay are all deservedly well-known wines (which in general tends to be a bit less grapefruit- and gooseberry-forward as the Sauvignon Blanc from New Zealand). Australia has some of the top wine regions in the world, regardless of where you are.

How can we know what we’re buying is a fantastic deal and a terrific drop when there are so many different Australian wines available on the market right now at every single price point? In terms of wine value, more pricier bottles contain much higher-quality grapes. Once the price of a bottle of wine exceeds $30, you are typically getting a better product overall. For example, your wine is likely coming from a small production run and is likely being aged for a longer period of time in French oak barrels rather than the more affordable American oak or even metal. It may also have better corking and glass. For your convenience, we’ve compiled a selection of our most well-liked, staff-selected wines priced under $50 so you can choose the ideal beverage for a special occasion. All of our choices may be delivered right to your door anywhere in the USA.

  • Penfolds Bin 28 Shiraz

    Penfolds Bin 28 Shiraz

    $29.99 Discover this Penfolds Bin 28 Shiraz and get it delivered to your door. The warm-climate Australian Shiraz in Penfolds Bin 28 South Australia Kalimna Shiraz Red Wine is rich, strong, and full of flavor. Experience intensely meaty aromas laced with tobacco and spice, which are complemented by a palate of dried porcini mushrooms, chocolate liqueur, black fruit, and chewy tannins. Bin 28 takes its name from the renowned Barossa Valley Kalimna Vineyard, which Penfolds purchased in 1945 and where
  • Cape Mentelle Sauvignon Blanc Semillon

    Cape Mentelle Sauvignon Blanc Semillon

    $13.99 Discover this Cape Mentelle Sauvignon Blanc Semillon and get it delivered to your door. Cape Mentelle is one of Margaret River's original vineyards, having been founded in 1970. Cape Mentelle is now regarded as a benchmark for the region's wine quality. An inventive winemaking team is taking on the task of crafting Australia's best wines, building on the winery's legacy of pioneering spirits and uncompromising devotion to perfection. The lively and aromatic mix creates a fresh, distinct wine
    Staff Pick
    Wine Rating

    19 Crimes Revolutionary Rose 750ml

    $10.99 19 Crimes Revolutionary Rose is a unique and revolutionary wine that is sure to please any wine lover. This Australian wine is made from a blend of Grenache, Shiraz, and Mourvedre grapes, creating a complex and flavorful taste. The wine has a deep pink hue and a light, fruity aroma. On the palate, 19 Crimes Revolutionary Rose has a smooth and silky texture with notes of ripe strawberries, cherries, and raspberries. The finish is long and lingering, with a hint of spice. Enjoy this wine with a
  • Penfolds Koonunga Hill Shiraz 750ml

    Penfolds Koonunga Hill Shiraz 750ml

    $11.99 Penfolds Koonunga Hill Shiraz is a full-bodied, robust red wine from Australia's renowned Penfolds winery. This Shiraz is a blend of grapes from the Barossa Valley and McLaren Vale regions, creating a complex and flavorful wine. The nose is filled with aromas of ripe blackberry, dark cherry, and a hint of spice. On the palate, the wine is smooth and velvety, with flavors of blackberry, dark cherry, and a hint of pepper. The finish is long and lingering, with a hint of oak and a touch of
  • Staff Pick

    19 Crimes The Uprising 750ml

    $9.99 19 Crimes The Uprising is a bold and intense red blend from Australia. This wine is a blend of Shiraz, Grenache, and Mourvedre grapes, creating a complex and flavorful experience. The nose is filled with aromas of ripe blackberry, dark cherry, and a hint of spice. On the palate, the wine is full-bodied and smooth, with flavors of blackberry, dark cherry, and a hint of pepper. The finish is long and lingering, with a hint of oak. 19 Crimes The Uprising is a great choice for any occasion, and
  • Gentleman’s Collection Cabernet Sauvignon 750ml

    Gentleman’s Collection Cabernet Sauvignon 750ml

    $12.99 Producer Notes: Ford Coppola Winery Ford Coppola Winery is a renowned drinks producer that is based in Geyserville, California, in the United States. The winery was founded in 2006 by the famous film director, Francis Ford Coppola, who is best known for directing iconic movies such as The Godfather, Apocalypse Now, and The Conversation.The winery is situated in the heart of Sonoma County, which is known for its picturesque vineyards and world-class wines. The winery's location provides the
  • Wine Rating
    Yellow Tail Chardonnay 750ml

    Yellow Tail Chardonnay 750ml

    $5.99 Yellow Tail Chardonnay is a crisp and refreshing white wine from Australia. This Chardonnay is made from grapes grown in the cool climate of South Eastern Australia. It has a bright yellow hue and a light, fruity aroma. On the palate, it has a smooth and creamy texture with flavors of ripe apples, pears, and citrus. The finish is crisp and refreshing with a hint of oak.Tasting Notes: Yellow Tail Chardonnay has a bright yellow hue and a light, fruity aroma. On the palate, it has a smooth and
  • Staff Pick

    19 Crimes Shiraz 750ml

    $9.99 19 Crimes Shiraz is a full-bodied red wine from Australia. It is made from a blend of Shiraz grapes grown in the warm climate of South Eastern Australia. The wine has a deep ruby color and aromas of ripe blackberry, dark cherry, and spice. On the palate, it has flavors of blackberry, plum, and pepper, with a hint of oak. The finish is smooth and lingering.This 19 Crimes Shiraz is a great choice for any occasion. It pairs well with grilled meats, hearty stews, and rich cheeses. Enjoy it with
  • 19 Crimes The Warden 750ml

    $13.99 19 Crimes The Warden is a bold and robust red wine from Australia. This full-bodied blend of Shiraz and Cabernet Sauvignon is aged in oak barrels for 12 months, giving it a deep, complex flavor. On the nose, you'll find aromas of ripe blackberry, dark cherry, and a hint of spice. On the palate, you'll find flavors of blackberry, dark cherry, and a hint of oak. The finish is long and smooth, with a lingering hint of spice. Enjoy this wine with a hearty meal, such as steak or lamb. 19 Crimes The
  • Jacobs Creek Merlot 750ml

    Jacobs Creek Merlot 750ml

    $5.99 Jacobs Creek Merlot is a full-bodied red wine with a deep ruby color. It has aromas of ripe plums, blackberries, and dark cherries, with hints of spice and chocolate. On the palate, it is smooth and velvety, with flavors of blackberry, plum, and dark cherry, along with subtle notes of spice and chocolate. The finish is long and lingering, with a hint of oak.This Jacobs Creek Merlot is a great choice for any occasion. It pairs well with a variety of dishes, from grilled meats to pasta dishes.
White Wine X

Where is wine made in Australia?

All six of Australia’s states make wine, although the southeast produces the great bulk of it. The most significant states for wine production are New South Wales, Victoria, and particularly South Australia since the milder conditions are better for viniculture. The latter generates around half of the nation’s yearly production.

Only 2% of Australia’s total output is produced in Western Australia. The state’s greatest wineries, however, are widely renowned on international markets for a wine style that is significantly unique from that of the rest of the nation. The Margaret River region’s Bordeaux red blends, which account for around 20% of the nation’s excellent wine production, are especially well-known.

Australian Wine Styles

Overall, the southerly latitude has a significant impact on the mesoclimates of Australia’s wine-producing areas, which are characterized by a steadfast Mediterranean climate with warm, dry summers and chilly, rainy winters. Regional characteristics like height and closeness to the seas are also important.

From the extremely rich reddish-brown soil of the Riverina to the old, weathered granite-based soils of Margaret River, soil types vary widely. The terra rossa of the Coonawarra area in southwest South Australia is the most well-known soil type in the Australian wine industry. Iron ore content is high in the bright red clay-loam, which is perched on top of a limestone base with remarkably efficient drainage. It is a common soil type for wine cultivation, yielding Cabernet Sauvignon that is very fragrant. Both the La Mancha area of Spain and the Carso region of Italy have similar soil types.

A wide range of wine types are produced as a consequence of the diversity of the terrain and the growing environment. As an example, the Barossa Valley in South Australia produces the popular Shiraz. The majority of Australia’s top Rieslings are produced in the nearby Eden Valley, which is located at higher elevations. The Clare Valley portfolio also includes exquisite Chardonnay and Riesling in addition to bold reds.

The Mornington Peninsula in Victoria is one of the coastal-influenced regions that grows grapes in milder climates. A Mediterranean climate is created farther north on the Fleurieu Peninsula by the sea’s moderating effect. Tasmania, which is located 240 kilometers (150 miles) south of the continent, is best recognized for its elegant Pinot Noir and sparkling wines.