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Best Wine For Thanksgiving: 21 hand-selected wines for your dinner table

Best Wine For Thanksgiving 1

Thanksgiving is right around the corner and even the most thoroughly prepared chef can benefit from pairing the perfect wine with their dinner table offerings. The right blend of aromatic notes, tannins and acids can reveal the subtle nuances of your food, transforming it from an excellent dish to an extraordinary one. So, after spending weeks planning and preparing this family party as flawlessly as possible, the last thing you want is to combine your fried turkey with any dusty, ash-covered bottle that your oldest cousin dug out of their basement. We’ve put together our special list of the best wines for Thanksgiving. Hand selecting a variety of different reds and whites to match any meal in any settings. All available to be home delivered to your door in time for Thanksgiving.

With such a variety of meats, salads, side dishes, and sauces on the table, pairing the right wine can be tricky, but don’t worry, you can still find a the best wine for Thanksgiving here in our handy guide. Take a seat and have a scroll through our hand selected wine list for your lunch and dinner during this special holiday time.

  • Matsu El Picaro 750ml

    Matsu El Picaro 750ml

    $12.99 Elegant wine set from the famous Spanish company Matsu is represented by three great wines: "El Picaro", "El Recio" and "El Viejo". Fine drinks will decorate the holiday feast and underlined the importance of the event. Gift set is a solid gift, also a nice surprise and delight loved ones, friends and partners.Winery Matsu, whose owners are proud of organic farming methods and strict quality control of wines, embodied in the triad of wine "El Picard," "El Recio" and "El Viejo" perfection and
  • Vina Alberdi La Rioja Alta Reserve 750ml

    Vina Alberdi La Rioja Alta Reserve 750ml

    $21.99 Tempranillo grapes for the production of "Vina Alberdi" Reserva La Rioja Alta company grows in the highest areas "Rodezno" and "Labastida". Vines more than 30 years, and themselves vineyards are located on clay-calcareous soils at an altitude of 500-600 meters above sea level. The 2007 season was marked by abundant rainfall in spring, which, coupled with increased temperature conducive to growth and development of the vines. Moderate summer temperatures also have a positive impact on the health
  • Coto Crianza  750ml

    Coto Crianza 750ml

    $10.99 Dry red wine "Coto Mayor" Crianza, Rioja DOCa created from grapes Tempranillo. Berries that have passed a special selection, are grown in areas located in Aiovesa Rioja. Alcoholic fermentation was carried out taking into account the need to achieve a balance of tannins and taste structure. The goal - to create a rounded wine with a fresh, fruity and clear taste, despite the long exposure. Most of the wine (80%) ripens in 225-liter American oak barrels, the remaining 20% - in French oak barrels.
  • Vina Real Crianza Rioja 750ml

    Vina Real Crianza Rioja 750ml

    $12.99 Dry red wine Vina Real, Crianza, 2012 is made ​​primarily from the Tempranillo grape variety grown in the region of Rioja Alavesa, with the addition of a small amount of Masuelo varieties, Grenache and Graciano. The climate is influenced by the Atlantic Ocean, clay and limestone soils, rich in iron and many other trace elements, creating particularly favorable conditions for ripening the grape Tempranillo, which is the hallmark of Spain. Producer Notes: Vina Vina is a drinks producer that
  • Staff Pick
    Chateau Haut Beausejour

    Chateau Haut Beausejour

    $29.99 Chateau Haut Beasejour has tobacco and cold ashes on the nose. Long and rich palate with notes of morello cherry and black currant. Another property Pichon Comtesse in Saint-Estèphe with lovely expression of ripe fruit. Now there are some tight and austere tannins and the wine is not as immediately exuberant as some, but give it a few years in the bottle to warm up. 62% Merlot, 36% Cabernet Sauvignon and 2% Petit Verdot. Beverage Window 2025 - 2038.Saint-Estèphe wines are powerful,
    Campo Viejo The Red Blend 750ml

    Campo Viejo The Red Blend 750ml

    $9.99 Red wine "Campo The Viejo" Tempranillo is made ​​from grapes, whose name comes from the word "temprano", which translated from Spanish means "early, early." This is not surprising, since the distinctive feature of this variety is fast maturing and abundant. Tempranillo variety is found in most of the vineyards of Rioja, and its balanced, intense flavor and freshness stands out easily. Juice for the production of wine "Campo Viejo" is produced by spontaneity, under the influence of its own
    Arienzo Marques De Riscal Crianza 750ml

    Arienzo Marques De Riscal Crianza 750ml

    $9.99 The kit includes 6 bottles of wine (3 + 3)The volume of the bottle: 750 mlWooden boxStylish set of Ornellaia, "Collezione" in the original wooden box handmade - a collection of wines "Ornellaia" Bolgheri Superiore vintages 2006, 2007, 2008. Each vintage is represented by two bottles and has an individual marking. Set released in a limited number of ducts 500."Ornellaia" Bolgheri Superiore, 2006 - is a comprehensive, beautifully balanced wine with a beautiful structure, tangible,
  • Staff Pick
    Wente Morning Fog Chardonnay 750ml

    Wente Morning Fog Chardonnay 750ml

    $13.99 Morning Fog Chardonnay flashes with the aromas of citrus, lemon, pear and toasted oak. This wine is balanced with vanilla and citrus notes in the sky, ending with a pleasant acidity.The Wente family is widely known as the First Chardonnay Family in California. In 1912, second generation winemaker Ernest Wente convinced his father and founder, C.H. A Wente, to import Chardonnay stakes from the University of Montpellier in France to the Livermore Valley. Today, about 75% of all Chardonnay chips
    Smoking Loon Chardonnay 750ml

    Smoking Loon Chardonnay 750ml

    $7.99 Creating a line of wines "Smooking Loon" is based on the premise that good wine should not be taken seriously, you just need to enjoy every sip. The name of the line is associated with love Sebastiani family patriarchs to cigars and waterfowl. Full-bodied wines "Smooking Loon" embody the independent bohemian spirit of California and are distinguished by excellent quality. To create them, wine master explore yields from different regions, selecting the best examples of which produce wine with a
    Wine Rating
    Remole Toscana Frescobaldi

    Remole Toscana Frescobaldi

    $10.99 Frescobaldi embodies the essence of Tuscany, its extraordinary vocation for viticulture and the diversity of its territories. The remolisme of Rosso boasts a bright and intense purple-red color. Fruit aromas such as blackcurrant, raspberry and black cherry slowly give way to extremely delicate spicy notes. On the palate, the warm note is miraculously balanced with a fresh vivacity. This pleasant wine combines elegance and balance with great smoothness.The history of Frescobaldi is closely
  • Bread & Butter Pinot Noir 750ml

    Bread & Butter Pinot Noir 750ml

    $12.99 This Pinot Noir is covered with succulent red fruits. Think of cherries and raspberries with a chassis shade. Delicate hints of cedar, smoke and bay leaf cut the sweetness of the fruit, creating a pleasantly balanced bouquet.This fruit aroma continues in the sky, where the soft flavors of wood and dried meat, like bacon, come together. With a long and wonderfully smooth finish, this Pinot will melt in your mouth.The refined elegance of Bread & Butter wines shows the famous and varied
  • Beringer Bros Bourbon Barrel Aged Cabernet Sauvignon 750ml

    Beringer Bros Bourbon Barrel Aged Cabernet Sauvignon 750ml

    $13.99 This wine is saturated by the aromas of ripe black cherries, dark chocolate and vanilla. The palate is exuberant with ripe tannins and integrated acid, and the finish shows roasted hazelnuts, caramels and blackberries.150 years ago, Jacob and Frederick Beringer were pioneers of the new era, crossing the border and planting their first vines in the Napa Valley. Today, Beringer remains faithful to his daring and pioneering spirit with Beringer Bros. wines aged in bourbon barrels. The latter are
  • Staff Pick
    Wine Rating
    Altos Las Hormigas Malbec

    Altos Las Hormigas Malbec

    $9.99 Extremely popular, the Argentine Malbec is a red wine, half hot and dry with a strong impression of dark fruits in the nose and sky. This wine tends to have softer tannins than its French counterpart. The freshness of the Uco Valley invades this wine, as it demonstrates the unmatched expression of this special wine region in Mendoza. With its rich ruby red color, its nose is fruity and produces some notes of violet. It has a medium physical, supported by structured tannins full of ripe fruit
  • Wine Rating
    Argyle Pinot Noir W.V. 750ml

    Argyle Pinot Noir W.V. 750ml

    $23.99 100% Pinot Noir grown in two high altitude vineyards in Argyle, Dundee and Eola Amiti Hills, produces bright and fresh red fruits, spring flowers and fine spices. This wine, harvested for a month, has the aroma and texture of a long and fresh 2019 harvest in Willamette Valley.About the Winery Twenty-five years ago, Argyle started wine production in Willamette Valley, Oregon. Since 1987, winemaker Rollin Souls and winemaker Allen Holstein have joined forces to produce world-class sparkling
    Côtes du Rhône Rouge

    Côtes du Rhône Rouge

    $9.99 Deep and bright dark red dress. Black fruit nose with spicy notes. Full, full and spicy wine. The shorts are rounded, very coated, but present in the mouth. This wine is different in its size, heat and aromatic intensity. Complete wine, good perseverance. Elegance and refinement thanks to a good balance between tannins and fruits.The South Rhone is situated in a large and spacious valley formed by the river Rhone bed. The Mediterranean climate makes the South Rhone one of the hottest wine
  • 14 Hands Cabernet Sauvignon

    $9.99 14 Hands Cabernet Sauvignon is a rich and juicy red color with aromas of dark cherry, blackcurrant, coffee and subtle notes of spices. These aromas are complemented by a hint of spicy oak and enhanced by exquisite tannins.The inspiration for the "14 Hands" wines is reminiscent of a time when wild musts once roamed freely in the eastern hills of Washington state. These small horses, with 14 hands high - the equivalent of the width of a man's palm and the way the horses were measured at that
  • Root 1 Cabernet Sauvignon

    Root 1 Cabernet Sauvignon

    $9.99 A blend of 85% Cabernet Sauvignon and 15% Syrah. Rich ruby color with tastes of black cherry, full plum and soft vanilla and toffee notes. The silky tannins and good structure support a long complex finish. Artfully accompanies grilled red meats, ripe cheeses and savory dishes including spicy Italian and Mediterranean food.Taste the pure essence of Chile?s incomparable viticulture. Produced from estate vineyards located across the best appellations to achieve the ultimate expression for each
  • Pine Ridge Chenin Blanc Viognier 750ml

    Pine Ridge Chenin Blanc Viognier 750ml

    $13.99 Crunchy, bright and cheerful, Chenin Blanc Viognier is a white perfumed mixture with a bouquet of honeysuckle and orange blossom, as well as tropical fruity lithium and pineapple fragrances, complemented by green apple, lemon and grapefruit. The starter is bright and fresh with aromas of fresh ginger, ruby grapefruit, lemon curd and Granny Smith apples. Despite being a fresh and juicy wine, it has an incredible medium weight with spicy tears that take the flavors to a long exposure.This

How to choose the best wine for Thanksgiving

When we think about selecting wines, especially for a special occassion, we want to make the right choice. Price isn’t always a good measure of the quality of the wine, however it does play a role. The best way to help you select the best wine for Thanksgiving is to think about the “Three P’s” – Price, Preference, Pairing. Keep this in mind when searching for wine and drop the stack the odds in your favor to choose the winning wine each time.

The price you are willing to pay (or not) for a bottle of wine is a determining factor in choosing the right wine for you. The days when you could only buy a “good” bottle of wine for more than 40 dollars are gone. In today’s market there are many great wines for 10 dollars, some for a much lower price. So rest assured that you will not have to put down a pack of money to try different wines. A decent wine trader will be able to give you many offers in the price range you specify.

Preferences can change over time, but let them be filled by those who drink them with your. If you spend a happy hour together drinking with friends, your preferences may lean towards red and white safety wines. For people who are not used to heavier and fuller wines, give them a break – buy a softer Merlot or Pinot Noir (sometimes called “starting with red”). For whites who don’t like the refreshing Gevurztraminer?

If you want to try a new variety, talking to a local wine merchant about the wines, styles and labels you liked in the past and asking for specific recommendations should give enough guidance for another great discovery.

If you are new to wines and are looking for some suggestions, then talk to your local wine dealer about wines you have enjoyed in the past and ask for specific recommendations:
Try Riesling, Gewurztraminer or Muscat dessert wine if the sweetest wines suit your taste.

If you prefer a dry white wine, then look for Pinot Blanc, Chardonnay, Pinot Gris or Sauvignon Blanc.

As for red wines, starting with Gamay, Pinot Noir for light tannins and more advanced fruits, or Merlot and Zinfandel for a more intense wine with thick dark fruits.

If you are looking for a meter of difficulty, go with the great Californian Cabernet Sauvignon, Syrah (or Shiraz, if from Australia).

If you are looking for wine specifically for a couple with dinner tonight, then consider the key ingredients. Will it be white or red meat? Will you use fresh or dried herbs, and of what kind? Will it be spicy or fruity? These questions can play a key role in deciding which wines go well with which dishes. In general, white wines are good for enhancing the light taste of a dish, while red wines are often a little more complementary to the dish. Keep in mind that the food/wine ratio is 99% of personal preference and 1% of science.

Best Wine For Thanksgiving 2